Friday, February 20, 2015

Interfaces in C#

An interface is similar to a class with method signatures. There wont be any implementation of the methods in Interface. Classes which implements interface should have implementation of methods defined in abstract class

Sealed Classes in c#

If a class is defined as Sealed it cannot be inherited in derived class.

public sealed class Car

public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Base Class Car");

public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand ");

Abstract Class in C#

If we don't want a class object to be created define the class as abstract. An abstract class can have abstract and non abstract classes. If a method in abstract id defined as abstract , it must be implemented in derived class. For example , in the classes given below , method DriveType is defined as abstract. 

abstract class Car
public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Base Class Car");
public abstract void DriveType();

class Ford : Car
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand ");

Method Hiding in C#

If the derived class doesn't want to use methods in base class , derived class can implement the same method in derived class with same signature. For example in the classes given below, DriveType() is implemented in the derived class with same signature. This is called Method Hiding.

class Car
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand Drive");

class Ford : Car
public void DriveType()
Console.WriteLine("Right Hand ");

Monday, February 16, 2015

Javascript How to get unique values in a array

var a = ["1", "1", "2", "3", "3", "1"];
var unique = a.filter(function(item, i, ar){ return ar.indexOf(item) === i; }); access values from dictionary

IDictionary<string, object> keyValueCollection //- Dictionary variable

KeyValuePair<string, object> escalateres;

         escalateres = keyValueCollection.Where(x => x.Key.ToLower().Trim() == "escalateres" &&
                   null != x.Value && x.Value.ToString() != "All").FirstOrDefault(); //access values of key "escalateres"

 List<object> lstEscalatersDetails = null; //define list variable

  lstEscalatersDetails = escalateres.Value as List<object>;

  foreach (object lstEscalatersDetail in lstEscalatersDetails)
                    IDictionary<string, object> keyValueCollectionHelpDeskEcalatorTime = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    keyValueCollectionHelpDeskEcalator = lstEscalatersDetail as IDictionary<string, object>;

                    FormatEscalateTime = Convert.ToString(keyValueCollectionHelpDeskEcalator["Hrs"]) + ":" + Convert.ToString(keyValueCollectionHelpDeskEcalator["Mins"]);

                    KeyValuePair<string, object> EscalateTime = new KeyValuePair<string, object>("EscalateTime", FormatEscalateTime);

                    keyValueCollectionHelpDeskEcalatorTime.Add("HelpDeskSLAId", id);
                    Save(keyValueCollectionHelpDeskEcalatorTime, "HelpDeskEscalators");


Friday, February 13, 2015

ASP.NET Remove value from Dictionary
